Thursday, September 25, 2014

Flawed Thinking Begets Snark...

I saw another comment today that essentially held that any woman not being provided (free of charge, of course) with birth control was having her right to birth control withheld from her. 

I couldn’t help it, because by her logic, if a right is being denied if a person isn’t being provided the materials necessary to wield that right, free of charge, then I’m being denied my second amendment rights right now, because the Federal Government won’t give me free guns.  So I replied as such. 

Waiting to see how off-the-meds crazy her response is going to be. 

Garbage in, garbage out.  If your logic is that shaky, you need to revisit your world view and thought processes to see if maybe, just maybe, your thinking is flawed.  


  1. The default response "children" works in so many different ways here.

  2. "If your logic is that shaky, you need to revisit your world view and thought processes to see if maybe, just maybe, your thinking is flawed."

    Somehow I doubt whether the woman you encountered will ever consider her logic to be shaky. After all, there is no logic involved. It is simply a childish protestation of, "I want...".

    I suspect she is prone to tantrums.
