Monday, February 4, 2013


The US military has now opened up primary combat roles to women.  My first response to that is to ask if women now have to register for selective service on their 18th birthday like men do (they don’t).  Or if they can opt out of combat roles like men can’t without a damn good reason (they can).  Or if they need to meet the same physical requirements as men going into combat roles (they don’t).

If you want equality, then fight for equality.  If you want to get all the good parts of being “equal” but still be able to eschew the nasty bits, then don’t parade around in front of me and brag about how equal you are, because what you have is not equality.  Until women who want equality are also fighting to make it illegal for a woman not to sign up for selective service on their 18th birthday, I don’t want to hear about it.  Until women who want equality are also fighting to make it mandatory for women to fight in combat roles if they are selected to do so, I don’t want to hear about it.  Until women who want equality are also fighting to hold fighting women to the same physical standards as fighting men, I don’t want to hear about it. 

What we have now is not equality; it is special treatment for a special segment of the population, which is what these “equality” agitators were fighting for in the first place.  If they truly wanted to seek equality, they would view this special treatment as offensive.  They don’t, and so as a result of that, I’ve determined that equality is far from what they actually desire.   

I’ve spoken on this same issue in many different venues, including family courts, in the past.  Women who truly want equality should be absolutely offended by the special treatment that they are getting in equality’s name. 

I would be.  

From a time when women were really equal, and were damned proud of it

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