Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Election Season...

So let me get this straight…

The two parties, lead by people that I’m meant to believe are infinitely smarter than me (so shut up and quit complaining) have nominated exactly WHO for president? 

A woman who, if not part of the political elite and thus not subject to the laws of mere mortals, would otherwise be a multiple felon (and apparently may become one yet, shortly, depending on how “in the pocket” the folks at the FBI are).

"We here at the FBI do not have a pocket, that we're aware of"

Or, alternatively, a trust-fund brat who would have made more money if he’d just left his inheritance in mutual funds than tried (and failed) in so many terrible business ventures that one loses count. 

Image result for trump good deal
I'll drive hard bargains, get GOOD DEALS.  You know, at slightly less than market return!
On one hand, a woman who’s entire purpose throughout her entire life, was to feed her political ambitions, not by accomplishing a goddamned thing, but by making sure that none of the multiple scandals popping up around her due to incompetence can actually stick to her.  A woman who had used her powerful, elite status to dodge indictment on things that would have any one of us plebes behind bars in a federal “pound me in the ass prison”.  Who, and I can’t stress this enough, has zero actual accomplishments to her name, other than managing to get elected and appointed to higher and higher offices after she was married to the president two decades ago.    Seriously, I’ve asked multiple Clinton fans to list her accomplishments, and I’ve never heard one of them list something that was a result of her actually “rolling up her sleeves and getting a job done”, as she’s so apt to claim she does in her campaign speeches.  No, her only accomplishments are:

  • 1.       Being married to Bill Clinton;
  • 2.       Getting elected senator of New York;
  • 3.       Being appointed Secretary of State;
  • 4.       Fucking everything up that she touched in every one of those positions, and then making sure to pin the blame on other people;

On the other hand, you’ve got, what, 6 bankruptcies?  An arrogant, condescending attitude?  Authoritarianism taken to a near Stalinist extreme? (I know, hyperbole, I got it).  A guy that was so “good” at business that when given untold millions in inheritance, he managed to make slightly less than the rate of return on the mutual fund market over 40 years of work?  A guy who’s policies on complex, intricate issues distill to incendiary one-liners about “rounding up” people and “building a wall and making Mexico pay for it?  No discussion about the implications of “rounding up” 12 million people and shipping them off to Mexico?  The human rights implications alone boggle the mind.  I know, they’re criminals – but consider the severity of their crime, versus the logistical nightmare of “rounding them up.”  With whom?  SWAT teams with guns?  You know there are going to be some bad guys in the mix, who will shoot back, so that means every one of these folks is going to get a SWAT raid.  At 2 hours per raid, times, say, 6 guys per raid, and 4 illegals per household, you’re talking 36,000,000 (MILLION!) man hours just in the “rounding up”, much less the investigations to determine who is actually here illegally.  36 million man hours, at 2,080 man hours per year, that’s pushing 18 THOUSAND full time positions to get this done in a year.  And recall, that’s just the tip of the spear, it doesn’t account for the investigation time, which will almost certainly be more than the actual “round up” time.  So say we suddenly need to create 40,000 full-time positions to get this done.  Where do we get them all?  How many are qualified?  Or are we talking a multi-year operations?  How long? 

It says "Homeland Security".  Why don't I feel secure seeing this photo?

How many legal immigrants get caught in that net, facing years of hassle and fear fighting their ILLEGAL deportation from a foreign country where they don’t belong?  How many parents of natural born American citizens are going to get deported, leaving a natural born American Citizen minor without parents?  Who now become wards of the State, and move into foster care at taxpayer expense.  Is this really the best solution to the problem that you can think of?  Or have you just not really considered the implications?

Which is probably the scariest part – I truly think that’s what the deal is.  He just hasn’t thought about it.  He truly thinks that running the country is all about popular sound bites, like, I don’t know, a reality TV show. 

He said to Vladimir Putin right before WWIII started

Or maybe he’s just a shill, running to get Hillary elected.  Who knows?  Not me. 

"You don't think they'll really fall for this, do you?"

But I do know that the current state of American politics is fucking embarrassing, and for the first time I can remember, I’m not exactly sure I want to be a part of this anymore.  The IDEA of America is fantastic.  But the actual practice of America has become increasingly disappointing.  

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